Health Facility


The beautifully designed Prayer Room in the Campus reminds everyone of God. It invites everyone to feel the presence of God and to experience serenity and joy.


The institute houses spacious well lit and well ventilated class rooms creating superior experience of teaching and learning housing. Elevated teacher’s platform and boards for better visibility and control of the class , announcement speakers, CCTV cameras and seating arrangement for 60 students in each class. Projectors for AV aid and Biometric machines for attendance are installed in classes to provide enhanced teaching experience. 


The Seminar Hall is used majorly for guest talks and student development programs. The fully air-conditioned and well-designed hall offers audio visual facilities and comfortable and large seating space hosts various intellectual programs benefiting the students as well as the faculty. Regular Faculty Enrichment programs and Research seminars are also hosted at the venue.


Majorly used for all faculty meeting and evaluation proceedings, the conference hall is enabled with AV aid that helps in smooth evaluation of all proceedings at the college. the ususal venue for the college EVPM meetings, PPA meetings, Xavier Board and executive meetings.


In order to make the lectures more interesting and interactive and also to improve the presentation skills of the students, the college owns smart boards and audio visual facility at a number of venues.


With a seating capacity of approximately 500+ audience and with all the modern facilities various cultural events organised at the class apart college auditorium provides a platform for all students to showcase their talents and skills. Regular Morning assembly with is an integral part of the SPIPS cultural are also conducted at the auditorium whereby all  major and small events, festivals, important days and special programmes are celebrated.



The SPIPS campus has ample provision for various indoor sports and games. SPIPS gives much importance to sports and games activities, coaches and motivates the students to regularly participate in the various intercollegiate and university level competitions. The Indoor Sports Complex boasts of International Standard facilities for Badminton.


The canteen at SPIPS, provides nutritious & tasty refreshments in a clean and hygienic atmosphere. This is where often friendships are born and built up, ideas are exchanged in an informal manner.