Commerce and trade are the pillars of a Global civilization. Idolizing this concept the Commerce Club as a wing of Commerce Department helps the students gain insights related to trade and commerce. The club organizes activities pertaining to commerce and trade awareness, entrepreneurship promotion, Government policy and program awareness sessions, and more to make students grasp an overall knowledge of the wide spectrum of the commerce based career prospects.
The IT club primarily helps students become more Tech-savvy, which essentially is the need of the hour. The students discuss and create IT based projects, learn about IT and Cyber Security through various expert sessions, discussions, seminars, open forums on subjects related to Information Technology. The club operates under the care of the Department of Computer Science, and ensure that the students learn necessary skills and concepts that will help students empower themselves with IT knowledge.

To promote the scientific temperament of the students and to inspire them to not just study but practice science and contribute to the field of Science through brainstorming session, lab sessions, discussion forums and other such activities. The club operates under the care of the Department of Science.
Designed to promote & develop the linguistic capabilities of the students and help them practice the art of language the Department of humanities and the Language Lab committee in association organize various fun and learning sessions. The primary agenda of all the activities conducted under the banner are to help students enhance their communication skills that will help them in all walks of life.

To cater to the non-academic development and in order to provide a platform to the students to showcase their creative talents, the fine arts club provides platform to the students to showcase their various talents in the various cultural and artistic activities. Various in-house and intra-college cultural programmes, competitions and feast are organized by the club throughout the year to keep students positively engaged and to groom and promote their talents.
To promote awareness about the latest trends in Management and increase peer interaction opportunities that enhances the knowledge, skills and professional growth of the students. An initiative under the Department of Management, the SMA promotes students to develop personality traits that will help in their professional pursuits. The clubs organizes KSA based activities to help students and provide the students with platform to become Industry-ready.

A Click Of Artistic Joy – The club aspires to help student explore the world of photography and provides platform to all the shutterbugs at SPIPS to exchange techniques, ideas, collaborations to learn and enhance their interest and Photography techniques.
The SPIPS Music club has helped promote many of our student to discover their inner mystro. The clubs through various practice sessions and cultural activities gives the students a platform to develop, groom and showcase their musical fervour. With activities such as vocal and instrumental training session, fun activities such as antakshari and in-house and inter college competitions the music club is a convivial space for students to explore and polish their talent.

To promote overall well being all members and especially to craft a healthy mind & body for blissful life the sports and yoga club, under the guidance of the physical education department organizes various practice sessions and competitions to promote physical well being of the students.
Yoga – for wellbeing of all. The faculty members as well as students are invited to participate on the yoga sessions organized time to time under the guidance of expert yoga practitioners. The students are promoted to learn nd master the art for themselves as well.
Designed to promote & develop the linguistic capabilities of the students the language lab club helps the students practices the art of language.

The club stirs up critical and analytical thinking of the students to promote them to write and publish research articles in various national and international journals, with the abled assistance and guidance of the expert faculty members.
“Love to Nature, Save to Future “
Environmental Awareness Committee works to create a solidarity among the students and staff of SPIPS for the protection of environmental through Awareness Programmes with respect to Environmental Problems and measures to check those problems which involves:
- Green and Clean Campus Initiatives
- Conservations of Water and Energy Resources
- Alternative sources of energy
- Beyond the campus environmental activities
- Environmental and Pollution Awareness Programmes in nearby Areas
- Rural Plantation Mission and Urban

Gender Champions Club are envisaged as responsible leaders who will facilitate an enabling environment within their schools/colleges/academic institutions where girls are treated with dignity and respect. They will strengthen the potential of these young people to advocate for gender equality and monitor progress towards gender justice.
The broad mandate of a Gender Championship Club is to provide an integrated and interdisciplinary approach to understanding the social and cultural constructions of gender that shape the experiences of women and men in society. The aim is to make the young boys and girls gender sensitive and create positive social norms that value their rights. Gender Championship Club give a helping hand to all,irrespective of their gender,caste or creed and gives them a sense of security that ensures them with the fact that they can achieve all their dreams and succeed with bewitching colours.
Harmonizing the energies of a healthy mind and a healthy body is a key component of holistic education. Excellent infrastructure facilities are present at SPIPS, which also places equal focus on academics and athletics to support these ideas. Young men and women’s energies are being channeled and harnessed by the sports Officers through the organisation of a variety of sporting events and encouragement to compete in various in-house, inter-college & national sporting tournaments.